Marketing Team Helps Keep Charlotte Beautiful

On Friday, Sept. 22, 2023, the Business Services marketing team visited Campbell Creek Park in East Charlotte. The park was recently given a D rating by Mecklenburg County’s Park and Rec Department for its few amenities and lack of investment over the years since it was created.
However, the park has a play meadow used for soccer and a playground that attracts children in the neighborhood.
The team came with trash bags, pickers and gloves, and quickly got to work collecting trash from the woods, field and stream. Ten bags of garbage and a partial couch were collected by the end of the morning shift.
Natalie Flinchum, who collected the most trash, said that the clean-up “was a really fun experience that made me feel like I was doing something good for the Charlotte community.”
The clean-up equipment was provided by Keep Charlotte Beautiful (KCB), a City of Charlotte program that encourages residents and businesses to adopt and clean streets in the City. For more information about how to get involved with KCB programs, call 704-353-1235 or email
Special thanks go out to Natalie Flinchum, Joanna Savold, Torrie Simmons, Josh Thomas and Katie Turner for their participation!