Union Station
Union Station in Popp Martin Student Union provides shipping and U.S. Passport services. At Union Station, you’ll find:

Package shipping service
Union Station offers USPS shipping options. We’ll compare pricing, so you can choose which service is the best choice for your budget and/or delivery needs.
Stamps and shipping supplies
Stamps, boxes, and packing materials are for sale. Expert advice on preparing your shipment is always free!
Money orders
Money orders are available at Union Station as well as Mail & Package Services in lower Prospector Building.
Notary Services
Union Station offers official notarization for a fee of $10.00.

Official U.S. passport acceptance station
Union Station has been certified as a Passport Acceptance Facility to process U.S. Passports and submit them for Department of State approval. Passport application requires proper documentation. Passport photo service is also available. Learn more about our Passport Services.
Physical address: Popp Martin Student Union, 8845 Craver Rd., Charlotte, NC 28262
Campus mailbox rental
For students who would like the convenience of having a consistent campus address or faculty and staff members who would benefit from having a personal mail delivered to them at a central, campus location, Union Station offers campus boxes for rent.
Boxes are available in 6 and 12-month terms, which may be renewed as long as you remain a current student (regardless of on-campus or off-campus residence), faculty or staff member.
Mailbox rates
- $10 for 6 months
- $15 for 12 months
Fax service
- Local fax: $1.00 per page
- Out-of-state: $1.50 per page

Latex and Mylar; one or two at a time or by the bunch!
- Latex: 1.75¢ each
- Helium only (for your balloons)
- Mylar: $4.00 each
- Hi-float latex balloon life extender: 30¢ each
Digital Photo Services
- Optional Practical Training (OPT): $17.00
- Official passport photos: $17.00 (Cash only)