49ers4Life: Saving lives one drop at a time

UNC Charlotte recently hosted its 15th annual 49ers4Life blood drive on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Popp Martin Student Union.
An impressive 219 units of blood were graciously donated by students, staff and faculty members. These acts of generosity have the potential to save up to 657 lives!
The success of the blood drive was made possible through the collaborative efforts of various sponsors, including Alpha Delta Pi, Barnes & Noble Charlotte, Business and Auxiliary Services, Canteen, Chartwells, Conferences, Reservations and Event Services (CRES), Exercise Science Student Organization, Housing and Residence Life, Kappa Alpha, Parking and Transportation Services, Popp Martin Student Union, Red Cross Club, Repros, Air Force ROTC, Student Health Center, and University Recreation. Their unwavering support played a crucial role in ensuring the event’s success.
Each participant received a complimentary t-shirt and snacks for their contribution towards saving lives. The overwhelming response to the call to save lives underscores the University’s commitment to fostering a culture of compassion and service.