Ozzi Containers

Get takeout from SoVi or Social 704 with OZZI reusable containers. OZZI reusable containers are available for a nonrefundable fee of $6.

How it works – SoVi

O2GO machine located in the cupola at SoVi
  1. Purchase a BPA-free O2GO container at the SoVi register for $6. You may use a credit/debit card or your 49er Account, Declining Balance (DB) or Optional Dining Account (ODA) to purchase.
  2. Return the container to the OZZI machine located near the entrance of the dining hall in the cupola. No need to wash or rinse it!
  3. Collect the token to exchange for a fresh container.

How it works – Social 704

  1. Purchase a BPA-free O2GO container at the Social 704 register for $6. You may use a credit/debit card or your 49er Account, Declining Balance (DB) or Optional Dining Account (ODA) to purchase.
  2. Return the container to the cashier at the entrance of Social 704.
  3. Exchange your old OZZI container for a new one.

The OZZI® machine is a Chartwells Higher Education nationwide sustainability initiative. It only takes a few thousand O2GO containers in rotational use to keep 1,000,000 single-use containers from ending up in landfills.