49ers4Life Blood Drive collects 236 units

The Fourteenth Annual 49ers4LIFE Blood Drive took place at the Popp Martin Student Union on March 15.
Students, faculty and staff signed up to donate 236 units of blood, enough to potentially save 708 lives. In 2022, the 49ers4LIFE blood drive collected 238 units of blood, enough to save 714 lives. This year’s collection was just shy of its goal.
Students from organizations around campus turned out to volunteer, donate and support donors. The event was co-sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Red Cross Club, Auxiliary Services, Business Services, CRES, Parking and Transportation Services (PaTS), the Popp Martin Student Union, REPROS, Chartwells, Canteen Vending, Barnes & Noble Charlotte, Housing and Residence Life, UREC, Student Government Association, the National Society of Leadership and Success, Beta Alpha Psi, Kappa Alpha Order and Exercise Science Student Organization.
Canteen contributed snacks for volunteers and donors, Barnes & Noble Charlotte donated two $200 gift cards for the prize drawing, PaTS provided an annual parking permit worth $480 and University Recreation (UREC) gave a free annual membership worth $160. All donors received free commemorative t-shirts in appreciation for their contribution.
Winners of the drawing for the Barnes & Noble gift cards are Michelle Habana-Hernandez and Abby Wall. The winner of the parking permit is Sarah Burkhart. John Nettles was drawn as the recipient of the UREC membership.
Watch the prize drawing below.
Congratulations to the prize winners! We hope to break this year’s record at the Fifteenth Annual 49ers4LIFE Blood Drive next year.